There is not much I can say except for WOW and THANK YOU! As my emotions are just starting to level off I find myself thinking of the incredible success of the event, the hard work and dedication of an amazing group of people, the reality of giving 'Bag's of Fun' to every child fighting cancer and of course to my precious children.
Madison my oldest was an amazing help and so excited about the success of our party. Kennedy was a part of everything, from table cloths to where to put the face painters and loved staying up late to have more fun. Zach our crazy 5 year old was the proverbial "Kid in a Candy Shop" eating the Lollipop centerpieces and enjoying every game and prize in the place. If it seems funny I did not mention Gabby first it is only because the thoughts of her are almost overwhelming. It seems impossible to miss her now more than ever, but yet it I do. Her smile, her laugh, the way she rolled her eyes at her brother. It was her idea to give every kid a "Bag of Fun" but...we were supposed to do it together. This was a project we were going to do after she got better. I still find myself amazed that she didn't get better. Because of our Faith we know she is in a better place, but it is still hard to think of her missing a party she would have LOVED, and her WISH coming true.
What I do Believe, as I said in the program for the event, is that there are no words big enough or eloquent enough to express our appreciation and love. Without each and every person who donated to, worked for, and attended 'Bring out the Bags' our project would not be possible, and the event would not have been he amazing success that it was!
Thank You All
A special thank you to our sponsors Maggianos, Samsonite, Park Meadows, Beverage Distributors, and Starbucks.
The inaugural "Bags of Fun" event was spectacular! You and all of your volunteers deserve the highest praise! The spirit in that room was one of fun, support, and generosity. You certainly managed to bring smiles to the attendees, and I am certain that through your efforts the smiles will be growing on the faces of all the kids receiving a "Bag of Fun!"
Well done!
Posted by: John Carmichael | June 06, 2005 at 08:12 AM
Tammy & Tom,
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of such a special cause. It's an honor and a privilege to be associated with this foundation and all of the great volunteers that pulled off the event the other night.By having that be a "family" oriented, it made it all the more special.
Posted by: Sandy Hamilton | June 06, 2005 at 03:32 PM