First and most importantly I want you all to know that the Bags of Fun have been very successful and truly Bring a Smile to the face of every child and parent of a child who receives one.
We have delivered approx 4-6 bags a week to Children',s and this week delivered our first bags to Pres./St Lukes. We have had a few requests for more out of state bags and are getting two sent out next week. (Officially we have done this for friends of friends who request it. We have no "policy" regarding this and are pretty much doing it on a per request basis.)
We had sad news about one the kids who received a Bag of Fun. Gage passed away in June. We received a lovely letter from his mother thanking us for the bag. Please keep his family in your prayers.
The Chef demonstration at Roth distributing was very fun and a great way to spread the word about Gaby's Foundation.( I strongly recommend that anyone interesting in kitchens, cooking, or food try to go to one of these demonstrations it was a great night out! Go to for more info)
Dinner at Mels was great too! Tyler, the chef, is a doll and Matt, the general manager is wonderful, they have both been great to Gabby's Foundation. If you are looking for a new place to go try it out...tell them Gabby's Foundation sent you! (Yes, between the food and wine I will probably gain 100 lbs this summer.) Also, they have offered to do the Have you Heard of the Third event for April!
A huge Thank You to the Gabby Gourmet for setting these up!
The Sundance Sailfish swim-a thon raised over $4,000 and the team now has an official Gabby award that they will give every year to the kid who has the most heart! Thank you Sundance! This year's winner was Sean!
The cocktail party at Pisciotta's was terrific! It was fun,relaxed and the Foundation raised almost $10,000. Thank you so much to Dean &Colleen, and Kathy & Charlie Thornton. It is people like you who will make Gabby's Foundation successful!
Our next big event is Sep 3rd at Inverness. It will be a fun run for the kids. Bags of Fun Run! There is no entry fee and there should be lots of fun stuff to do. We will have some merchandise and be taking donations, but it is really just a way to get the kids involved and continue to spread the word about Gabby's Foundation.
October 3rd The Starbucks on Belleview will dedicate the afternoon to Gabby's Foundation. Lots of fun fall activities as well as Vanilla Steamers Gabby's Favorite drink) and Apple Cider.
October 14-16th are the American Girl Fashion shows at STM. ALL of the proceeds benefit Gabby's Foundation. If anyone is interested in helping please let me know, or if you have people who would like to be on the mailing list please get their addresses to Graham Miller ([email protected])
Nov 3rd The Garden Cafe in the Highlands will give 25 % of lunch and dinner profits to Gabby's Foundation. ( Thank you again to Gabby G)
Dec 3rd TBA we are working on a couple of different things. If you want to help or have any ideas let us know!
August 27th is the Morgan Adams Concours d'elegance. It is a an amazing display of luxury Automobiles and Airplanes at Centennial Airport. The proceeds benefit Pediatric Brain Tumor Research. If you are looking for something different and fun this is it!
The website should be up and running by Sep 29th! Yea! The people we are working with are great (Rezonant) and have been very generous with their time and energy. I think that is it for now.....
Hope you all have a terrific end to your summer!